(Latin: suffix; forming adjectives; inclined to, given to, tendency to be, abounding in)
alliacious (adjective), more alliacious, most alliacious
1. Concerning something that tastes or smells of onion or garlic: Mrs. Jackson was preparing dinner and everybody in the house was aware of the alliacious aroma of garlic.
2. Relating to the genus Allium of the lily family: Rob's mother had alliacious plants growing in her garden and they produced onions and garlic!
2. Relating to the genus Allium of the lily family: Rob's mother had alliacious plants growing in her garden and they produced onions and garlic!
audacious (adjective), more audacious, most audacious
1. Bold, daring, or fearless, especially in challenging certain assumptions or conventions: The soldier was an audacious warrior when he fought the enemy in order to save his comrades.
2. Extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave: Mildred's father was an audacious explorer in the Canadian north.
3. Extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: The mayoral candidate had an audacious vision of the city's future.
4. Recklessly defiant of convention, propriety, law, etc.: Joe's audacious behavior during the demonstration resulted in his being arrested by the police.
5. Lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: The actress had an audacious interpretation of her role in the drama.
6. Referring to a person who shows an impudent lack of respect: The student made an audacious remark to the teacher when he was told to quit talking while she was presenting her lesson to the class.
7. Etymology: Formed from Latin audac-, the stem of audax, "bold", from audere, "to dare", from avidus, "eagerness" or "greed for something".

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2. Extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave: Mildred's father was an audacious explorer in the Canadian north.
3. Extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: The mayoral candidate had an audacious vision of the city's future.
4. Recklessly defiant of convention, propriety, law, etc.: Joe's audacious behavior during the demonstration resulted in his being arrested by the police.
5. Lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: The actress had an audacious interpretation of her role in the drama.
6. Referring to a person who shows an impudent lack of respect: The student made an audacious remark to the teacher when he was told to quit talking while she was presenting her lesson to the class.
7. Etymology: Formed from Latin audac-, the stem of audax, "bold", from audere, "to dare", from avidus, "eagerness" or "greed for something".

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capaciously (adverb), more capaciously, most capaciously
Descriptive of how something can hold a lot of things: Glenda's car was capaciously large enough for her to take all of her four children and dog for a trip.
efficacious (adjective), more efficacious, most efficacious
A reference of something which is capable of producing a desired effect or result: The medicine that the doctor prescribed was supposed to have an efficacious healing of Sam's painful throat.

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The politician was rewarded for her efficacious efforts by being elected as governor again.

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fallacious (adjective), more fallacious, most fallacious
1. Concerning fundamental errors in reasoning: Mr. Jones, the supervisor, presented fallacious reasons for firing Roy, all of which were not valid!
2. Pertaining to something that is deceiving or based on untrue information or ideas: The testimony provided by the witness during the trial obviously consisted of several fallacious statements and so the accused was declared to be innocent of the charges.

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2. Pertaining to something that is deceiving or based on untrue information or ideas: The testimony provided by the witness during the trial obviously consisted of several fallacious statements and so the accused was declared to be innocent of the charges.

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fugacious (fyoo GAY shuhs) (adjective), more fugacious, most fugacious
1. Regarding something that passies away quickly out of sight or disappears after only a short time: Styles and vogues of fashion are quite fugacious because there are always new colors, trends, and fads that come directly after each season.
2. In botany, descriptive of a plant or flower that lasts only briefly before withering or dropping off: The queen of the night, or the night-blooming cereus, is spectacular when the blossom opens, but is quite fugacious in that it fades away within a few hours.

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2. In botany, descriptive of a plant or flower that lasts only briefly before withering or dropping off: The queen of the night, or the night-blooming cereus, is spectacular when the blossom opens, but is quite fugacious in that it fades away within a few hours.

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fumacious (adjective), more fumacious, most fumacious
1. Relating to the fondness of smoking: Tom's friends were aware of his fugacious habit of loving his cigar and pipe.
2. Smoky: Since Mr. Pipe was addicted to smoking, the room he occupied was always very fugacious and murky.
2. Smoky: Since Mr. Pipe was addicted to smoking, the room he occupied was always very fugacious and murky.
gracious (adjective), more gracious, most gracious
Characterized by charm, good taste, courtesy, and generosity of spirit: Susan sent a gracious note of thanks to her aunt for the birthday present.
inveracious (adjective), more inveracious, most inveracious
Untruthful, dishonest; unveracious: Adam's neighbour was noted to be inveracious and so he didn't trust him at all.
linguacious (adjective), more linguacious, most linguacious
Talkative, loquacious: Once Valery was in a group of listeners, she started an interesting discourse of her last trip to the Alps and just couldn't stop!
loquacious (adjective), more loquacious, most loquacious
A reference to a person who is extremely talkative or gabby: Sally’s friend was a very loquacious girl, and loved talking to her friend, whose ear, with the receiver of the phone pressed against it, started hurting so much that she had to suddenly end the call!

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Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.

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The state of quality of being excessivlely talkative: Wendy was known for her loquaciousness and that was a good thing at a dinner party, but not so early in the morning!
mendacious (adjective), more mendacious, most mendacious
1. Not truthful; lying or making false statements: When Andre got home late, he told his wife a mendacious story about having a flat tire, when, as a matter of fact, he was with his friend drinking a bottle of beer at the local pub!
2. Characterized by habitual deception or telling fibs: Jerome created mendacious tales of his adventures while he was traveling in Europe, such as winning a lot of money in a French casino and meeting the Queen of England at a party in London.
3. Pertaining to a distortion of the truth, especially as a regular routine: Elaine's young son, Jimmy, was constantly telling her mendacious excuses for not doing his homework for school because he was so focused on playing games on his computer with friends.

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2. Characterized by habitual deception or telling fibs: Jerome created mendacious tales of his adventures while he was traveling in Europe, such as winning a lot of money in a French casino and meeting the Queen of England at a party in London.
3. Pertaining to a distortion of the truth, especially as a regular routine: Elaine's young son, Jimmy, was constantly telling her mendacious excuses for not doing his homework for school because he was so focused on playing games on his computer with friends.

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mordacious (adjective), more mordacious, most mordacious
1. Sharp or caustic in style, tone, sarcastic, etc.: Chuck spoke in a very mendacious manner to his sister when he caught her nosing about in his desk.
2. Concerning the capability of wounding; barbed, biting, nipping, pungent: Such mordacious ways of communication can be a barbed compliment, a biting aphorism, or a pungent satire.
3. Referring to someone or animal that is given to biting: Mr. Smith deliberately gave his rival a skittish and mordacious horse for the outing.
2. Concerning the capability of wounding; barbed, biting, nipping, pungent: Such mordacious ways of communication can be a barbed compliment, a biting aphorism, or a pungent satire.
3. Referring to someone or animal that is given to biting: Mr. Smith deliberately gave his rival a skittish and mordacious horse for the outing.
mordaciously (adverb), more mordaciously, most mordaciously
Concerning how something is said in a caustic or sarcastic way: Sally insulted and provoked her little brother so mordaciously that her mother told her to go to her room and stay there until further notice.